Good Practices in Two Stages of a Startup’s Life

Good Practices in Two Stages of a Startup’s Life

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Which stages are we talking about?

We in the studio distinguish between two – Discovery and Growth. Of course, other terms may be used, but the essence is clear.

  • The SEARCH stage of the client+product combination. This is an exploratory stage with a lot of trial and error. A startup successfully passes the first stage if it finds a customer who will pay for the new product.
  • The GROWTH stage is revenue scaling. Here the main task is to grow, take over the market, increase the revenue 

Good practices 

  • Giving little money.

A big-budget blurs the focus. Less money allocated means a higher probability that only the most necessary and important things will get done.

  • Give little time.

This limitation often forces you to move “off-target” as early as tomorrow, to do the essentials right now. Approaching a deadline encourages redoing all tasks yesterday, rather than planning for tomorrow.

  • Give a few people.

The larger the team, the slower the movement. Alone, a person can act without coordination and phone calls. without unnecessary thought. Faster to find the customer and the product.

  • Buying information.

Searching is the stage of the unknown. It’s often unclear how to break into a topic on the fly. For this reason, a good practice here is to bluntly buy information from those who are into chips. Do not skimp on this.

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